
Corning Soccer – Inaugural Mattress Fundraiser – Support Sports! – April 23rd & 24th

Corning High School Soccer Team Announces their 1st Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser for the Benefit of Corning HS Soccer Programs

Corning High School Athletic Department is sponsoring their 1st Annual Mattress Sale Fundraising Event.

This will be held Saturday April 23rd and Sunday April 24th from 10 am to 4 pm in the Cafeteria on the Corning High School campus.


Corning HS Athletic Department has combined forces with CFD Fundraising to allow local folks to support the Corning High School Soccer Team by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.


Victor Torres, Soccer Coach for the Corning High School said, “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved.  We will be providing the opportunity for people to purchase something that they need at a discounted price. In return Soccer Teams at Corning High School will earn much needed funds to help the student-athletes get the best athletic experience possible.”

IMG_0268The event will be fun.  Anyone that wants to participate can come to the Cafeteria at Corning High School at their convenience on either day.  A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for people to try out.  Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, and pillows, available for purchase.   All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer within the Corning area at no additional cost.

Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted.


Proceeds from the event will benefit Soccer Teams at Corning High School. On behalf of the student-athletes, coaches, staff and parents, the Corning High School Athletic Department wishes to thank all of our members for their contributions toward providing a dynamic and competitive athletic program here at Corning High School and to CFD Fundraising for their sponsorship of this event.


For more information contact:

Victor Torres

Soccer Coach

Corning High School


Facebook: Corning High or Corning Union High School District





Wheatland High School Athletic Department Announces Inaugural Mattress Sale Fundraiser

Benefits  Wheatland HS Sports Programs

 PV Display Sunday - Buying Frenzy

Wheatland HS Athletic Department is sponsoring their 1st Annual Mattress Fundraising Event.

This will be held the weekend of October 3rd & 4th from 10 am to 4 pm in the Gym on the Wheatland High School campus.

Wheatland HS Athletic Department has combined forces with CFD Furniture Direct to allow local folks to support the Wheatland High School Sports program by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.

Sue Kirby, Athletic Director for the Wheatland High School said, “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved. We will be providing the opportunity for people to purchase something that they need at a discounted price. In return Sports Teams at Wheatland High will earn much needed funds to help the student-athletes get the best athletic experience possible.”

Fundraising efforts are necessary to ensure a quality Wheatland High School athletic program. Wheatland HS Athletic Department has worked diligently to raise funds necessary to maintain all teams at all levels. But individual teams have always had to fundraise as well to try and defray additional costs. With this large fundraiser, the hope is that they no longer will need to do this.

The event will be fun. Anyone that wants to participate can come to the Gym at Wheatland HS at their convenience on either day. A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for people to try out. Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, and pillows, available for purchase.   All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer within the Wheatland area at no additional cost.

Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted

Proceeds from the event will benefit sports teams at Wheatland High School. On behalf of the student-athletes, coaches, staff and parents, the Wheatland HS Athletic Department wishes to thank all of our members for their contributions toward providing a dynamic and competitive athletic program here at Wheatland High School and to Chico Furniture Direct for their sponsorship of this event.

For more information contact:

Sue Kirby,

Athletic Director

Wheatland High School

530-633-3100 ext. 122



SAVE a Dog; SAVE a Cat – Sleep Better TONIGHT

Butte Humane Society Announces Inaugural Mattress Sale Fundraiser July 11th -12th; 10 am-4 pm


Chico, Calif. — Butte Humane Society (BHS) and Chico Furniture Direct will be hosting their 1st Annual Mattress Event. The fundraiser will take place Saturday and Sunday, July 11th and July 12th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Butte Humane Society Education Center, 2156 Pillsbury Road. (In the North Valley Shopping Center)

BHS has partnered with Chico Furniture Direct to allow community members to support BHS by purchasing brand new mattress sets at a discounted price. BHS will receive a portion of the purchases made.

A wide variety of mattresses from national brand name sources will be available for customers to try out. Trained personnel will be present to help in the selection process and to answer questions. Customers who live in the Chico area will have their purchases delivered to them at no additional cost. Cash, local checks, and major credit cards will be accepted.

Proceeds from the event will benefit all programs at Butte Humane Society.

To stay in the know about all Butte Humane Society events, please like us on Facebook at

If your organization is interested in hosting a fundraising event with Chico Furniture Direct, please contact Jon Markham at show contact info for more information




BHS Announces 1st Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser
Chico, Calif. – Butte Humane Society (BHS) and Chico Furniture Direct will be hosting their 1st Annual Mattress Event. The fundraiser will take place Saturday and Sunday, July 11th and July 12th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Butte Humane Society Education Center, 2156 Pillsbury Road. (In the North Valley Shopping Center)

BHS has partnered with Chico Furniture Direct to allow community members to support BHS by purchasing brand new mattress sets at a discounted price. BHS will receive a portion of the purchases made.

A wide variety of mattresses from national brand name sources will be available for customers to try out. Trained personnel will be present to help in the selection process and to answer questions. Customers who live in the Chico area will have their purchases delivered to them at no additional cost. Cash, local checks, and major credit cards will be accepted.

Proceeds from the event will benefit all programs at Butte Humane Society.

To stay in the know about all Butte Humane Society events, please like us on Facebook at


Pleasant Valley Sports Boosters Announce Inaugural Mattress Sale Fundraiser for the Benefit of Pleasant Valley High Sports Programs

Pleasant Valley Logo

Pleasant Valley High Sports Boosters is sponsoring their 1st Annual Mattress Fundraising Event. This will be held the weekend of April 25th & 26th from 10 am to 4 pm in Varley Gym on the Pleasant Valley High School campus.

PV Sports Boosters have combined forces with Chico Furniture Direct to allow local folks to support the Pleasant Valley High School Sports by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.

Susie Sanders, Fundraising Event Coordinator for the PV Sports Boosters said, “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved. We will be providing the opportunity for folks to purchase something that they need at a discounted price. In return Sports Boosters at Pleasant Valley High will earn much needed funds to help the student athletes get the best athletic experience possible.”

Fundraising efforts are necessary to ensure a quality Pleasant Valley High School athletic program. Pleasant Valley Sports Boosters have worked diligently to raise funds necessary to maintain all teams at all levels. The last four years, Sports Boosters have raised a total of $335,000 for the sports, music and art programs at Pleasant Valley High School.

The event will be fun. Folks that want to participate can come to Varley Gym at PV High School at their convenience on either day. A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for folks to try out. Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, and pillows, available for purchase. All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer at no additional cost.

Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted.

Proceeds from the event will benefit sports teams and the music program at Pleasant Valley High School. On behalf of the student athletes, band members, coaches, staff and parents, the Viking Boosters wishes to thank all of our members for their contributions toward providing a dynamic and competitive athletic program here at Pleasant Valley High School and to Chico Furniture Direct for their sponsorship of this event.

For more information contact:
Susie Sanders,
Fundraising Event Coordinator


 Bobcat Logo

Paradise High Sports Boosters will be sponsoring their 2nd Annual Mattress Fundraising Event on Saturday & Sunday, April 11th & 12th from 10 am to 4 pm

Paradise, CA – The Paradise High Sports Boosters will be sponsoring their 2nd Annual Mattress Fundraising Event on Saturday & Sunday, April 11th & 12th from 10 am to 4 pm at Paradise High School cafeteria The Boosters have combined forces with Chico Furniture Direct to allow local folks to support the Paradise High School Sports Team of their choice by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.

Marty Bergstedt, President of the Sports Boosters said, “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved. We will be providing the opportunity to purchase something that people need at a discount price. In return Sports Teams at Paradise HS will earn much needed funds. The student athletes get the best scholastic and athletic experience possible”.

Bergstedt commented, “Fundraising efforts are necessary to ensure a quality Paradise High School athletic program. Paradise High Sports Boosters have worked since 1993 to raise funds necessary to maintain all teams at all levels”. The annual fundraising goal to maintain all teams exceeds $80,000. The Paradise High Boosters have been very successful in supporting Paradise High School Sports Teams.  Last year they raised in excess of $79,000.

The event will be fun. Folks that want to participate can come to the High School cafeteria at their convenience on either day. A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for folks to try out. Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, and pillows, available for purchase.   All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer at no additional cost in the Paradise area.

Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted.

Proceeds from the event will benefit all sports teams, at Paradise High School. The Boosters want to express their gratitude publicly to the Students and Parent Reps who will work very hard to make this a successful effort and to Chico Furniture Direct for their sponsorship of this event.


For more information contact:

Marty Bergstedt


Paradise High Sports Boosters

(530) 873-1557

Facebook: Paradise High School All Sports Boosters

 Willows High School Boosters Announce – A Mattress Sale Fundraiser for Willows HS Sports Programs

March 14th & 15th; 10 am – 4 pm

Willows FR 2013

The Willows High School Boosters will be sponsoring a New Mattress Fundraising Event on March 14th & 15th from 10am to 4pm at Willows High School. The Boosters have combined forces with Chico Furniture Direct to allow local folks to support the Willows High School Student Activities of their choice by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.
Carol Martin, Vice President of the Boosters, said “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved”. Everyone wants to get a good night’s sleep. Everyone also wants to get a great deal. We will be providing the opportunity to purchase a Brand New, National Brand Name Mattress Sets, something that people need, at a discounted price. In return the Students at Willows HS will earn much needed funds and get the best possible scholastic and athletic experience.

The Willows High Sports Boosters have been very successful in supporting Willows High School Activities and Sports Teams. They raise in excess of $25,000 annually to support activities that otherwise would go unfunded.

The event will be fun. Folks that want to participate can come to the High School Gym at their convenience on either day. A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for folks to try out. Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, pillows, and power adjustable beds available for purchase. All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer in the local Willows area at no additional cost. Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted.

Proceeds from the event will benefit all Students at Willows High School. The Boosters want to express their gratitude publicly to the Students and Parent Boosters who worked very hard to make this a successful effort and to Chico Furniture Direct for their sponsorship of this event.

For more information contact:
Carol Martin, Vice President
Willows High Sports Boosters
(530) 330-2863


Enterprise High School Sober Grad Night Committee Announces the Inaugural Mattress Sale Fundraiser for Enterprise High School Sober Grad Night


Redding, CA – The Enterprise High School Sober Grad Night Committee will be sponsoring their 1st Annual Mattress Fundraising Event on Saturday & Sunday, March 7th & 8th from 10 am to 4 pm at Enterprise High School North Gymnasium. The Sober Grad Committee has combined forces with CFD Fundraising to allow local folks to support the 2015 Graduation Class by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.


Linda Fullerton of the Enterprise Sober Grad Committee said, “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved. We will be providing the opportunity for folks to purchase something that they need at a discounted price. In return the 2015 Graduation Class earns much needed funds and the seniors get the best possible safe graduation experience.

Fullerton commented that the Enterprise Sober Grad Night annual goal is to raise $20,000 to make this a successful and fun event for the graduates. Fundraising efforts are necessary to ensure a safe and top quality Sober Grad Night program. The committee thanks the public for their support.

The event will be fun. Folks that want to participate can come to the North Gym in the High School at their convenience on either day. A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for folks to try out. Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, and pillows, available for purchase.   All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer in the local Redding area at no additional cost.

Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the 2015 Sober Grad Night Event. The Enterprise Sober Grad Night committee wants to express their gratitude publicly to the Students and Parent Reps who will work very hard to make this a successful effort and to CFD Fundraising for their sponsorship of this event.


For more information contact:

Linda Fullerton

Enterprise High School Sober Grad Night Committee

(530) 515-2429

Gina Ricketts


Chico Sports Boosters Announce 4th Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser for the Benefit of Chico High Sports Programs

February 28th & March 1st from 10 am to 4 pm 

Sealy Posturepedic Encourage Hybrid

You get a National Name Brand Mattress Set from  – Sealy, Nature’s Sleep, Simmons, & Royal Heritage at a fraction of retail price  ***** PLUS a nice donation to the Sport Team of Your choosing!

Chico High Sports Boosters is sponsoring their 4th Annual Mattress Fundraising Event will be held the weekend of February 28th & March 1st from 10 am to 4 pm on the Chico High campus in the Lincoln Center Gym.

Sports Boosters have combined forces with Chico Furniture Direct to allow local folks to support the Chico High School Sports Team of their choice by purchasing a brand new mattress set at a discounted price.

Mia Winter, President of Sports Boosters said, “We see this as a real “Win/Win/Win” for everyone involved. We will be providing the opportunity for folks to purchase something that they need at a discounted price. In return Sports Teams at Chico HS will earn much needed funds. The Student Athletes get the best possible scholastic and athletic experience possible.”

Fundraising efforts are necessary to ensure a quality Chico High School athletic program. Chico High Sports Boosters has worked since 2007 to raise funds necessary to maintain all teams at all levels. The last three years the Mattress Fundraiser alone has raised over $15,000 for sports programs at Chico High School.

The event will be fun. Folks that want to participate can come to the Lincoln Center Gym at the High School at their convenience on either day. A wide variety of mattress sets from National Brand Name sources will be set up for folks to try out. Trained personnel will be on hand to answer questions and help in the selection process. In addition to new mattress sets, there will be mattress covers, bed frames, and pillows, available for purchase.   All of the purchases will be delivered to the buyer at no additional cost.

Cash, Local Checks, Major Credit Cards as well as Visa or MasterCard Debit Cards will be accepted.


Proceeds from the event will benefit all sports teams at Chico High School. The Boosters want to express their gratitude publicly to the Students and Parent Reps who will work very hard to make this a successful effort and to Chico Furniture Direct for their sponsorship of this event.

For more information contact:

Jane Dolan, event coordinator at 342-4295


Chico High Sports Boosters